
Internationales Bildungs- und Begegnungswerk in Dortmund

Project “Remembrance – inclusive”: Inclusive group critically examines prototypes in the Stutthof Museum

Project “Remembrance – inclusive”: Inclusive group critically examines prototypes in the Stutthof Museum

During the last inclusive memorial trip as part of the German-Polish cooperation project “Remembrance – Inclusive”, 45 people with and without disabilities critically examined the self-developed prototypes from February 26th to 29th, 2024 in the former Stutthof concentration camp in Poland. The group of participants included people with various disabilities from Poland and Germany and their accompanying persons as well as interpreters for spoken language and sign language. The diverse group had the opportunity to test and evaluate the prototypes for greater inclusion in memorial sites in practice. These prototypes were jointly developed by participants from Germany and Poland over the past few months. People with disabilities worked closely with experts in inclusion and historical education.

The following were created:

  1. An inclusive guide for the museum’s visitor service, whose task is to inform people with disabilities about what barriers to expect in the museum and what barrier-free offers are available.
  2. Two videos in sign language about one of the first pieces of information about the former Stutthof concentration camp that visitors get at the entrance to the museum.
  3. A tactile tour for blind people to selected places and objects on the museum grounds.
  4. Four text panels in simple language (German and Polish) about the concept of “quarantine” of the SS in the former Stutthof concentration camp.

The prototypes ultimately received great praise. The feedback from those involved also provided further valuable information for suggestions for improvement.

The German-Polish partnership project “Remembrance inclusive” is organised by IBB gGmbH in Dortmund together with the Stutthof Museum in Poland and the Schwarzenberg e.V. association in Berlin. The project is funded as part of the EU programme “Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values”.

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.


You can find the detailed results report here.

All articles about the project can be found here.