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About ``Remembrance inclusive``

In the new EU project “Remembering – Inclusive,” young people and adults with and without disabilities or impairments collaborate towards a common goal. Together, individuals from Germany and Poland develop ideas on how memorial trips can be opened up to previously disadvantaged target groups.

“Remembering – Inclusive” is a German-Polish partnership project. It is organized by IBB gGmbH in collaboration with the Stutthof Museum in Poland and the Schwarzenberg Association in Berlin. The project is funded under the EU program “Citizens, Equality, Rights, and Values.”

In Easy Language

In Leichter Sprache

Projekt_Erinnern-Inklusiv_in_Leichter-Sprache  (German only)

Eine Auswahl der Prototypen zur Überwindung von Barrieren im Museum Stutthof

Was ist eine Baracke? Erklärt in einfacher Sprache - zum Lesen oder Anhören

Was ist eigentlich eine Baracke? Diese Texttafel ist Teil eines zweiteiligen Prototyps zur Überwindung schwerer Sprache auf Deutsch und Polnisch, das die Arbeitsgruppe an einem Objekt im Museum Stutthof zeigen wird. In einem mehrstufigen Prozess hat die Arbeitsgruppe den schweren Text in einfache Sprache übertragen und das schwere Wort „Baracke“ erklärt. Der QR-Code führt zu einer Audio-Datei, über die man sich den Text vorlesen lassen kann. Zur Unterstützung der Textaussage wurden Bilder entworfen. Zur Audio-Datei auf geht es hier. Grafik: Simone Waßermann

Was geschah in der Baracke? Erklärt in einfacher Sprache - zum Lesen oder Anhören

Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer haben den Originaltext des heutigen Museums in einfache Sprache übersetzt. Entstanden ist eine Textdatei, die auch einen QR-Code enthält, der zu einer Audio-Datei führt. Wer nicht oder nicht gut lesen kann, kann sich den Text vorlesen lassen. Zur Audio-Datei auf geht es hier. Grafik: Simone Waßermann

Introducing: The Results of the Needs Analysis to Identify Barriers in Memorial Sites

During the inclusive working meeting held from September 26th to 29th, 2023, the Stutthof Museum in Sztutowo served as a practical example of a memorial site commemorating the victims of the Nazi era. 59 participants identified their needs in a thorough analysis of the barriers present there. In the Open Space sessions, they discussed their diverse concerns regarding overcoming discrimination against people with disabilities in memorial sites and implementing inclusive practices in addressing Nazi injustices in historical education work. Eight video interviews were conducted, along with a comprehensive report available in both German and Polish languages.

Ewa Malinowska

Consultation on barrier-free museum technology by experts

Kordian Kuczma

Awareness-raising for inclusion among the staff of memorial sites

Karoline Wirth

Disturbing images as barriers in memorial site work

Alf Düsterhöft

Language barriers in memorial sites

Kaja Lorenc

Inclusion of blind and visually impaired individuals in memorial sites

Andreas Scheibner

Accessible transportation connections to memorial sites

Artur Moskalik und Kazimierz Skwarzyński

Inclusion of deaf individuals in memorial sites

Justyna Jazak

Scheduling considerations for visits to memorial sites

Our Invitation to the Workshop in Ravensbrück for the Hearing Impaired


Final meetings in the “REM – inclusive” project: Breaking down barriers at memorial sites with videos, audio and tactile tours

The “Remembrance inclusive / Erinnern – inklusiv” project concluded with urgent appeals for the inclusive opening of memorials and places of remembrance in two online meetings on Thursday, March 21, 2024, from 11 a.m. and 5 p.m.: “It’s not just about people with visible disabilities,” said Linus Bade, one of the youngest speakers and an […]

Project “Remembrance – inclusive”: Inclusive group critically examines prototypes in the Stutthof Museum

During the last inclusive memorial trip as part of the German-Polish cooperation project “Remembrance – Inclusive”, 45 people with and without disabilities critically examined the self-developed prototypes from February 26th to 29th, 2024 in the former Stutthof concentration camp in Poland. The group of participants included people with various disabilities from Poland and Germany and […]

Überblick über die nächsten Online-Sessions im Projekt "Erinnern-inklusiv". Bitte beachten Sie, dass jeweils eine Anmeldung erforderlich ist.

Funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women, and Youth (BMFSFJ).

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Funded by the Foundation for German-Polish Cooperation.


Constanze Stoll
project coordinator
+49-231-95 20 96 20

Darya Kuchynskaya
student assistent