Mechthild vom Büchel

Internationales Bildungs- und Begegnungswerk in Dortmund

How young people perceive Auschwitz – Radio report on the work of IBB on the pedagogy of memorial sites

How young people perceive Auschwitz – Radio report on the work of IBB on the pedagogy of memorial sites

How youths perceive Auschwitz reported IBB consultant Burkard Grahn in an extensive radio report on WDR 5, broadcast on Sunday, 24th of January 2015. During the show “Diesseits von Eden” (This side of Eden), on the occasion of the International Day of Holocaust remembrance on Wednesday, 27th of January, radio journalist Irene Dänzer-Vanotti focused on […]

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On the occasion of the German-French Day: IBB commences application for the 16th French-German-Polish youth summit

On the occasion of the German-French Day: IBB commences application for the 16th French-German-Polish youth summit

On today’s Franco-German Day (22nd of January) many schools in North Rhine-Westphalia look back on the history of the Franco-German Friendship. 53 years ago, on the 22nd of January 1963, the Élysée Treaty was signed. It laid the foundation for a close friendship. Today more than 400 000 pupils in North Rhine-Westphalia learn French, around […]

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